How Can I Double My Practice In 6 Months Analysis

What if I told you that MOST practices can double their revenue in the next 6 months?

When I say most I am talking over 90% of practices.

This is what I did with my practice and have now done with practices all over the world.

It all comes down to the numbers! That's IT! Once I see the numbers I can tell you if your practice can double in the next 6 months (most can) and steps that need to be taken in order to get there.

So if you would like a seasoned health care business expert to analyze your practice, identify growth opportunities, and provide actionable insights not only from a business standpoint but from a "making more of an impact in my community standpoint" then this is your chance!

Do you want more new patients?

Do you want more referrals?

Do you want patients to stay under care longer?

Do you want patients to value you what you so that they are willing to pay cash?

Do you want to make more money?

Do you want less stress and more enjoyment in practice?

Do you want to make more of an impact in your patients lives?

Do you want to make more of an impact in your community?

If you answered yes to any of these then read on.

This is your chance to get my eyeballs on your practice and tell you where your weak points are, the foundational issues that need to be corrected, missing growth opportunities and more in order for you to get your practice to where you want it to be PLUS suggestions on how to get you there.

Here is how it works. Once you check out:

  • You will immediately be brought to a quick and easy to fill out PDF form ( to be filled out and emailed back to me) allowing me to get a full picture of where your practice is at and where you want it to be.
  • Once I receive your information and go over it in great detail, I will record and send you a video with screen share of me going through the steps I would recommend taking to get you to where you want to be.
  • You will receive, based on my expertise in working with hundreds of practices all over the world, the primary reason you are not where you want to be, steps needed to overcome the issue plus any tips I can share on where you may be missing out on additional opportunities.
  • Your personal and custom video will be sent to you via email within 48 hours of purchase (Monday-Thursday)
  • No commitment to work with me. No bait and switch. Just give me your information in the questionnaire and I will share with you what I see based on my expertise. Simple as that!

My practice income has tripled! Thank you!

Dr. Laura Hanson , Atlanta, GA

My acceptance rate went from below 50% to almost 100% thanks to what I learned.

Dr. Matthew Mancuso

Get started now!

Your Instructor

Dr. Clint Steele
Dr. Clint Steele

Dr. Clint Steele started practice in 1993. His mission was to change the world's health for the better. Unfortunately he was met with a public that just wanted to cover up symptoms instead of actually dealing with and reversing the cause. Although he tried to change people's minds and get them to understand the TRUTH people still just wanted to cover up symptoms. So he dealt with it for 17 years.

Never really happy in practice, he "retired" never to return, or so he thought. He set out upon "retirement" to change the world in other ways. He set a goal of performing 1 million acts of kindness in 1 year. He ended up reaching 2.8 million acts of kindness and it was awesome BUT it did not make any money and so he found himself broke and needing to go back to work. Not wanting to go back into practice he started selling Kirby vacuum cleaners door to door. That lasted for about 3 months until he received a letter from his grandmother sharing how she was ashamed of him and how he should be ashamed of himself for not living to his potential.

That is when he decided to get back into practice but this time make sure patients "got it". "It" being the TRUTH of disease and the TRUTH of health.

He began his practice focused on improving brain and nervous system function and his practice exploded. Starting with only $1000 to his name and in a 750 sq ft office space, with no advertising, no employees and 100% cash he went from 0 to 500 patient visits a week in 6 months.

More importantly however he was seeing amazings things happen including seeing things like IBS, Crohn's disease, anxiety, depression, diabetes, dementia and more all reverse!

It was then he was approached by several practitioners asking him to share what he was doing and so with his wife, Tina, they started a company to help educate the world and help practitioners SAVE MORE LIVES called TRUCHIRO called Brain Based Health Solutions!

It has now been over 10 years and Dr. Clint has helped hundreds of practice owners world wide transform their practices for the better. Not only from a business stand point but also from a patient health results stand point.

Course Curriculum

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  How To Calculate Your Numbers
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